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How to Build An Earthquake-Proof House?

Being seismic smart is the best thing to do if you are living in an earthquake zone. Most areas in India fall under the moderate-to-high earthquake zones.
Your structure should be able to withstand an earthquake and also prepare for retrofit.
You need to be aware about how to avert the risks effectively.
Here a few tips that will help you in building an earthquake-proof house:
Be a lot smarter: It makes sense to actually install TMT bars.
 These are earthquake-resistant and will withstand all tremors without affecting the edifice and structure in any way.
The earthquake can affect you in two ways:
-     The lateral tremors, also known as racking, can cause the foundation of the house to weaken.
-    The side-to-side and up-and-down tremors can create a slide in the foundation and can overturn the entire superstructure and even cause a heavy casualty.
Create a continuous load path:
If you are building a continuous load path, it enables the home to be tied together with the roof to the foundation with the help of framing materials and other connectors.
Know your zone:
It is important that you know the zone on which the home is to be built.
Proper knowledge of the seismic tendencies will help you create a home that is resistant to tremors.
Try and retrofit:
If you add a retrofit, the bracing and the reinforcement will help the structure withstand the tremors. This is also known as the bolting of the house from its foundations.
Get the building basics right:
Investigating whether a home is strong and well-engineered, and taking steps to counter the potential effects of the earthquakes ensure safety for everyone.
Taking adequate measures in protecting and safeguarding a structure is a must before you build a home.